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Specialty coffee is coffee that has been graded as having received a score of 80 or higher (out of 100) by professional coffee graders. Specialty coffee is grown under optimal growing conditions, exhibits unique flavor characteristics, and is of the highest quality. It is often sourced from single origin farms, cooperatives, and micro-estates and is roasted in small batches with careful attention to detail.

Improved Taste: Specialty coffee is often grown and processed with great care, resulting in a noticeably better flavor profile than what is found in mass-produced varieties.

Added Nutrition: Because specialty coffees are roasted and brewed with greater care and attention, they tend to retain more of their natural antioxidants, minerals and other compounds, which can provide a number of health benefits.

Variety: Specialty coffee imparts an incredible number of flavor profiles, allowing you to explore a seemingly endless variety of taste combinations.

Revitalization of Family Farms: One of the most important components of specialty coffee is its strong emphasis on ethical sourcing and production, which can create sustainable economic opportunities for small-scale farmers and their families.

Improved Economic Development: Specialty coffee is often capable of providing livable wages to farmers, processors, and other workers, which can help to reduce poverty rates, ensure the rights of workers, and contribute to communities

Specialty coffee beans generally have a higher grade of quality than regular coffee beans. The coffee beans are further processed and methodically graded by a licensed Q grader, which evaluates aroma, acidity, flavor, and body of the coffee beans. Specialty coffee beans typically come from coffee plants that have been better cultivated and grown in higher conditions and from rare and exotic coffee producing regions. Regular coffee beans, on the other hand, do not have such stringent quality standards and are produced on a larger scale by larger farming operations with less control and rewarding over the quality of the coffee produced. Regular coffee beans has less flavor complexity than specialty coffee beans.

Pour Over: This method uses a ceramic cone that’s either placed over a carafe or held directly over a cup, and coffee grounds are added to the cone. Hot water is slowly added in a circular motion to extract the flavor of the coffee.

French Press / Full Emersion: This method of brewing coffee is done by adding coffee grounds to a beaker, pouring hot water over top, and allowing the mixture to sit for about four minutes. Once ready, the mixture is pressed down and strained into the cups.

Cold Brew: The unique step in this method uses cold or room temperature water, and the mixture is left to steep over 12-24 hours. This method makes a smooth, almost sweet coffee concentrate that can be stored and used later.

Moka Pot: This method is popular and easy to use, brewing espresso-style coffee in just a few minutes. 

Espresso: A small coffee concentrate, brewed with high temperatures and high pressure to extract flavour compounds from the finely ground coffee beans. On average and espresso takes about 20-30 secs of brewing time.

Brew Method: Different coffee-brewing methods, such as French press, pour-over, drip coffee maker, or espresso, use different grind sizes and brewing times to affect the strength and flavor of the coffee.

Roast Level: Roast level can play an important role in how a coffee tastes. Lighter roasts maintain more of the natural flavor of the coffee beans, while darker roasts often develop a more concentrated and complex flavor.

Amount of Coffee: The amount of coffee used can also significantly affect the flavor of the beverage. This is usually measured by the amount of coffee grounds used per unit of water. More coffee grounds create a stronger cup of coffee.

Agitation: Agitating the beans during preparation can also change their flavor. Whisking or grinding the beans can release natural oils, which can alter the flavor.

Choose quality coffee beans: Quality fresh roasted coffee beans can make a huge difference in the flavor of your coffee.

Use the right grind for your brewing method: Different brewing methods require different grind sizes. Make sure you’re using the right grind size for the brewing method you’re using.

Store coffee properly: Coffee needs to be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. To preserve the freshness of your coffee, it should be used within two weeks of opening the package.

Control the water temperature: Different coffee brewing methods require different water temperature ranges. Make sure you’re using the correct temperature for the method you’re using.

Use filtered water: If you’re using tap water for your coffee, make sure it is filtered to remove chlorine and other impurities that can affect the flavor.

Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and combinations to find the